You may want to know Why Modern People Are So Incredibly Lazy. You may experience lots of instances where people act lazily more than ever. Seeing such moments, we doubt how our ancestors worked so hard from the stone Age to the industrial age. However, I am going to spend my time on something other than writing harangues by comparing the past and the present. Because you may feel lazy as a member of the modern world to read exaggerations on excessive stuff, let us directly go to Why Modern People Are So Incredibly Lazy?

The Reasons Why Modern People Are So Incredibly Lazy?

  1. Mediocre Goals and Aspirations 
  2. Modern Technology
  3. Social Media and Communication 
  4. Concept of Modern Life

Why Modern People Are So Incredibly Lazy? – Modern Technology

Why Modern People Are So Incredibly Lazy?
Why Modern People Are So Incredibly Lazy?

The facts mentioned above are only a few reasons for the lazy behavior of modern people. Unlike people who lived earlier, modern society hardly has to rely on the ‘no pain – no gain’ principle. The reason is rapid technological change. Especially the communication technology that goes hand in hand with the food industry, education, banking, work and other fields has simplified people’s lives.

For example, people do not want to cook alone because they can order food at their doorsteps using their smartphones. Similarly, online educational materials make it easy for them to study whenever and wherever possible. I am not complaining about these developments in technology. The rapid improvements of this kind were beneficial during the Covid-19 isolation periods. However, at some points, these facilities make people unnecessarily lazy, and they want to avoid going out and burning some calories.

Why Modern People Are So Incredibly Lazy? – Modern Easy Life

I have often seen people wait for the elevator rather than walking up the stairs. Ironically, obese people wait in hospital queues because of their so-called modern lifestyles. 

Why Modern People Are So Incredibly Lazy?
Why Modern People Are So Incredibly Lazy?

Unlike earlier times when people were engaged in 40 hours work an OT period of more than 40 hours, people today try to earn quickly. The emerging jobs are desk jobs. They sit for more than 8 hours a day and feel tired and trite. Gradually, their bodies lose the capacity to work hard and become lazy.

Once they go home, they are not energetic enough to do a sport or go for a walk. All they do is connect to social media. Unfortunately, the modern type of amusement is so complex that people are happy to count likes, comments and subscribers. This was a different story in the past. 

Why Modern People Are So Incredibly Lazy? – Modern Competitive Life

Meeting people for real, happy dates, physical games, excursions and gatherings with music and homemade food are fading over time. People are so lazy to do those things. 

People being lazy is only sometimes the result of technological development. It is a race and the result of the race. Everyone is caught up in this rat race and is discarded from society if they fail to keep up with their fellow runners. 

So people need more time to waste. They have to complete lots of things in a day. Using physical strength to do all the chores causes a delay, and they can barely keep their face with this competitive world. So fast food consumption habits, vehicles, and online purchases have valid excuses. 

Mediocre Goals and Aspirations Make Us Lazier

Dreams and goals are magical inspirations that keep us alive. In the absence of such a dream, people become lazy and aimless. Lou Holtz has stated that If someone is bored with his life — he won’t get up every morning with a burning desire to do things — he won’t have enough goals.

Even when people have enough goals, they fail to fill you with enormous drive. This is because these goals and aspirations are mediocre and fulfilling in any way. A man with a burning desire to help his low-income family, cure his parents, help his friend, to achieve a personal goal like graduating and finding a job, or to climb up the social ladder have immense power inside them. They are sleeping correctly once they realize their dreams. 

Why Modern People Are So Incredibly Lazy?
Why Modern People Are So Incredibly Lazy?

But modern society needs more energy in many ways. People are mediocre and have no big plans but to spend today with luxuries. Detaching from spiritual beliefs and religious teachings also contributes to the laziness of today’s society.

If you read about the success stories of the wealthiest men in the world, you will be amazed to see how many hours they work per day and how big their dreams are. For example, Jess Bezos, with big goals and a clear vision, intended Amazon to become “Earth’s biggest bookstore” to “Earth’s biggest anything store.” And Elon Musk has been overly mentioned in self-help content or productivity articles for a reason. He is productive and proudly overworked. Musk’s ambition is to colonize Mars. What can you expect from someone with such an ambitious goal?

Now do not underestimate yourself that you do not dream big enough. Everyone cannot be Bezos or Musk. And you can be yourself. In particular, you have your dreams to realize. So work on them.

Why Modern People Are So Incredibly Lazy? Lack of Interest

Gary Vaynerchuk on LinkedIn has posted that “You aren’t lazy, you’re disinterested.” In other words, you can use your full potential when doing your preferred things. Laziness is sometimes your fatigue and disinterest in a field. That is why you have to choose the best things for your life. Find your passion and follow it until you find success. That is the easiest way to beat laziness.

Why Modern People Are So Incredibly Lazy?
Why Modern People Are So Incredibly Lazy?

Solutions to Why Modern People Are So Incredibly Lazy?

I will give you some tips in brief. 

  • Do things that inspire you by following the passion
  • Control yourself and o not let social media handle your life
  • Build your mental strength and avoid a modern mindset
  • Be spiritually strong and rich
  • Create big goals and work for them
  • Help others and be happy

Active and ambitious people are the ones who end up with the most influence on our future. If you want to be among them, kick laziness out of your life and join the journey.

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